
IÑAKI is from Basauri, where he was born and grew up. Nowadays he lives in Zornotza, in Ergoien, suburb of Etxano. He bought an old farmhouse or “baserri” there and he planned and undertook the building works himself, with the aid of some friends. Although it was hard work and it went slower that way, the benefits of this approach are important. Besides it being cheaper, it has given him the chance to develop his inner creativity, an opportunity he has fully taken.

He decided to use stone, wood and iron and, although he had long been acquainted with wood, working with stone and iron was completely new to him. Well into the working mood, he has busied himself designing and making the furniture for the house and for friends using the same materials He is still busy in this job; by teaching himself, he has step by step gained more and more experience and improved his skill.